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Fair Play Fridays

Cheers to the weekend!


All FPF sessions are the first Friday of every month and are $10 to play, or $5 to learn dog language in a playful, carefree setting.

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Yappy Hour


Adult Play

Prerequisite: none

Age: 5 months - 8 months

Time: 5:30-6:15PM EDT


After Puppy Preschool, where is it safe for a pup to play? Meeting the wrong dogs in dog parks can teach pups inappropriate play styles that may keep them from having fun play encounters for the rest of their lives and it can result in a lifetime of play frustration. Puppies play differently than adult dogs. Because of their super exuberant, over- exaggerated play they need their own playgroup to frolic and test responses with each other and just be goofy. This sensitive and impressionable teenage-time needs guidance to learn to respect the space of others and engage in polite, fair and reciprocal play. All pups will earn play time with Obedience practice. We will actively practice recalls from the play group - so be prepared to work. This is the ONLY play class that allows treats to enter the ring but you must use the treats only when instructed! $10.00 for dogs to play or $5.00 if you just want to watch and learn body language. No females in heat, no dogs with known reactivity issues, no dogs with a history of a bite. Some adult dogs will be present to help moderate enthusiasm and play styles.

Prerequisite: none

Age: 5 months & up

Time: 6:15-7:30PM EDT


Shy dogs unite! Come play with other shy dogs! Wallflowers who have shown bravery may be asked if they would like to stay over into the Adult Play class! Hopefully our Wallflowers will graduate from “Shy Play” and move up into the Adult Play Class. This class may also be appropriate for some of our smaller or younger dogs. We will actively discuss body language as it occurs.  No females in heat, no dogs with known reactivity issues, no dogs with a history of a bite. Additionally, play time may be restricted for intact males. Please bring your own crates if you need one. Entrances and Exits are moderated. Event Rules are available on-site. If your dog has NEVER played in a moderated group before, you are welcome to sign-up for pre-play testing to see if your dog’s skills are appropriate for group play. This testing is available by appointment times that are not necessarily on Fair Play Fridays. Contact the Instructor for testing. If your dog needs One-on-One Therapeutic play, this service is available by appointment.

Prerequisite: none

Age: 8 months - 8 years

Time: 7:30-8:30PM EDT


We will actively discuss body language as it occurs.  No females in heat, no dogs with known reactivity issues, no dogs with a history of a bite. Additionally, play time may be restricted for intact males. Please bring your own crates if you need one. Entrances and Exits are moderated. Event Rules are available on-site. If your dog has NEVER played in a moderated group before, you are welcome to sign-up for pre-play testing to see if your dog’s skills are appropriate for group play. This testing is available by appointment times that are not necessarily on Fair Play Fridays. Contact the Instructor for testing. Age exceptions can be granted on a case-by-case basis (contact the Instructor if you would like to be considered for an exception). If your dog needs One-on-One Therapeutic play, this service is available by appointment.

Wild Things

Prerequisite: none

Age: 8 months - 8 years

Time: 8:30-9:00PM EDT


Over-the-top, no-holds-barred, but must be polite big-dog rough-play. Not for Wallflowers. By invitation only.  No females in heat, no dogs with known reactivity issues, no dogs with a history of a bite. Additionally, play time may be restricted for intact males. Please bring your own crates if you need one. Entrances and Exits are moderated. Event Rules are available on-site.

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