Registration for our October 26-27 Rally & Obedience Trials opens Monday, August 26 at 8am EST
Agility 1 Foundations - Part A
6 Weeks
Part 1 of a 2-part class. This indoor class will introduce handlers and their dogs to basic agility skills and safety. The curriculum is based on shaping behaviors through the use of positive reinforcement. Activities include start line stay, body awareness and flexibility, impulse control, introduction to contact end behavior, targeting/nose touch, directions, and handling “on the flat.” Dogs will begin to interact with equipment such as wobble board, tunnel, table, and 2x2 weaves. Most work will be on lead, so dogs must be fitted with a flat buckle collar and a six-foot leash. No choke, pinch, gentle leaders or corrective harnesses will be allowed. Owners need to bring lots of small, soft treats and A CRATE. Tug toy(s) highly recommended. PREREQUISITE: Beginner Obedience. Dogs should come into the class with a basic knowledge of sit, down, and come.